Oh, sex! We can sing the praises of how much we adore it. And, as it turns out, sex loves us right back! Check out these ten awesome health benefits of sex!
Ah, the pinnacle of partnership and embodiment of our well-being: sex.
Surely there’s no question as to how our intimate lives will transform not only our minds, but our bodies and souls. The number one source of a healthy sex life is to accept ourselves on all levels, in all ways, and at all times. Having a solid emotional connection with a partner so deeply involved in his or her own sexuality is the crème de la crème.
We want to delve into sex thoroughly with someone who understands our every move in both the bedroom, and also how we ARE in life and with OTHERS. The key is to BE with a significant lover who understands and is willing to explore and fine tune every aspect of our sexual lives.
We partner for a reason: money, security, adventure, children, love, and sex. All of the other details are housed under each of these categories. Most of them have emotional attachments when given to opportunity to realize what sparks the fire in us.
A healthy sex life typically happens when respected partners feel good and solid about their safety in the bedroom, as well as their security in each other’s arms. Most couples are free of stress and anxiety, which can happen when things in their lives aren’t in a flow or lining up.
This is a recipe for sexual disaster.
So where does that leave us in our own personal year of sexual revolution? I liken the benefits and merits of sexual exploration and intimacy as something we absolutely cannot live without. I have found that some of the most beautiful bodily awesomeness arises when we are glowing after an encounter with our loved significant other. If anything, sex helps to reduce our stress and keep us living on an even keel. To pinpoint the exact moment that our health spikes into the wonderful column is a testament to enjoying a healthy sex life with our person.
Here are specifics:
- Body weight becomes more manageable, as being light and free is easier to maneuver when romping in the sheets (or wherever!).
- Our skin takes on a natural glow and freshness.
- Communication between hearts, voices and bodies escalates and opens new portals.
- When apart from our significant, our soul takes on that feeling that we’ve been intimate with someone so worthy of our love, and illnesses (or any kind) take a back seat to the goodness we put forth.
- Psychologically, we think clearer, we recite our words better (maybe stumble around in the beginning due to “blown away” bliss), and we show up for life. Sex has that effect on us.
- Emotionally, we embrace what’s happening to our psyche, as it turns negative to positive, darkness to light, and ugly to beautiful. Everything around us becomes a hue of magnificence.
- Spiritually, we honor the love of our significant other, we cherish the gifts that they bring, we pray to our chosen Source that all is well and has been, because the closest form of an intimate act has heightened our responses to ourselves and each other.
- We smile more.
- We give more and we receive in humble and quiet ways.
- We are so damn happy to experience the gifts of sex that we live longer and more prosperous in every facet of life.
Whether any or all of these give you the impetus to redefine your sex life, or begin anew with intimate encounters, or to never settle on anything but the best for your own body and life, then I encourage only the utmost in pleasuring each other what should never be taboo, and feel blessed and grateful that a healthy sex life will keep spinning all the wheels of the aging cycle. How cool is that?