in: Dating & Relationships

5 Big Dating Mistakes Women Make

New relationships mean new opportunities for love and happiness; they also mean new chances to miss the mark. Keep yourself savvy by avoiding these five common dating mistakes.


No one doubts the rules have changed when it comes to dating, but over the years a few things have managed to stay the same. Being authentic versus trying to be someone you think you should be, is always the safest bet.

Here are five reminders of what not to do in the presence of Mr. Maybe Right.

1. Taking too much airtime on the first few dates explaining why you don’t need a man.

Let’s face it, no one needs a man anymore. We are independent creatures perfectly capable of living happy solo lives; unfortunately, many of us spend too much air time explaining why we don’t need a man in order to appear laid back and independent—yet this backfires. Going overboard telling him how you don’t need a man doesn’t give him a whole lot of room to imagine being in your life. A good man already knows you’re independent.

2. Keeping the conversation momentum going, but then complaining that men don’t show up and engage.

It’s not your job to entertain anyone. Women are natural caretakers, but carrying the weight of the conversation in an effort to keep it flowing is exhausting for anyone. Let some dead air time exist between the two of you and let him be the one to jump in to fill it. If the two of you click, the conversation will flow. If you carry the conversation, you won’t witness whether or not the two of you are conversationally compatible.

Communication research has shown that men form thoughts and articulate them at a different pace than women do. Count to 10 in your head during a conversation pause and give your date a chance to jump in—99 percent of the time, a man will continue talking.

3. Texting, calling, Facebook-ing and tweeting too often in hopes of being witty and staying on his mind.

Nature abhors a vacuum, so trust space. Create some for him to miss you and in the mean time, get on with your life. Needy isn’t attractive.

4. Trying too hard. Women often forget to lean back and give the guy room to lean in.

Ever try to catch a bug in a swimming pool? The faster you move your hand forward trying to grab it, the more out of reach it floats. Pull back a little and let him float toward you. When we have healthy self-esteem, we lean back a little more, watch as things unfold and trust the process. If you’re fabulous—which you are—a good man will recognize it. There’s no need to try so hard.

5. Trying too hard to be sexy.

Dress as sexy or skimpy as you’d like to, just be mindful as to your reasoning. If it’s for yourself because you feel fabulous, go for it; but if it’s because you think you’re supposed to dress a certain way, or it’s an effort to be something you think he wants, take a moment to reflect. Being who you truly are is the sexiest outfit of all.

 [image: via Mo Riza on flickr]

About the Author:

Tamara Star

Tamara Star believes happiness is not a destination, but instead the ability to see the ordinary through eyes of wonder. If you let her, she'll show you how to take the life you're living and turn it into a life you'll love. She's an international best selling author, a regular contributor to the Huffington Post and MindBodyGreen, and is often featured on Yahoo News, Good Morning America and SiriusXM Insight Radio. She's also the creator of the original 40-day Personal reboot—a six-week clear the slate for more love & happiness virtual program. Find the details here. Her first book, a quick and easy read: How to Survive a Break Up and Come Out Thriving, is available on Amazon. Her co-authored book Sexy Secrets to a Juicy Love Life sits on the International Best Sellers List. Follow her on Twitter , Facebook, and Pinterest. Want her free tips and tricks and 11 ways to instantly regain your balance? Click here


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