in: Dating & Relationships

I’m 51 and have never had a date. Is it too late for love?

Imagine you’ve journeyed through 51 years of your life. Now imagine you’ve done it without a single date. Is it too late for love? Allana Pratt weighs in.


Thank you, Allana, for all of your videos and wisdom. I am a 51-year old woman who has never been in a relationship. I have seen you give a lot of advice to men in this situation. Would it be the same for a woman? I have never been on a date and I am pretty sure you can guess the other things I have never done. At this age, is there a point? Where would I even begin meeting people? Is there something wrong with me? Did I wait too long?


OMG I just want to snuggle you up in my arms!!!! NO! Nothing in the world is wrong with you!! NO! You didn’t wait to long! If you have been gifted with another breath, my love, then you have loads of time. That’s the Universe’s way of saying: you matter, you belong, I love you, you are still desired to be here. So live fully, sister!!!

It sounds like it’s time for the courage that’s locked away in your heart to emerge… how? Well, it’s like a seed in a styrofoam cup: you give it water and sunlight and patience… then it blooms, yes?

Same with you. You’ll need some supportive sunshine in the form of an empowering coach, some healing water in the form of healing practices, then some fertilizer in the form of actions that work to meet great men… then choose the one you like the most!

When we wait past the ‘average’ timespan to handle something—be it love, sex, money, investing, living our dreams—all that’s required is an extra loving, non-judgmental, think-outside-the-box type of support.

Traditional F*&$heads will tell you it’s too late. Give them the finger. Partner up with potent magic empowering results producing happy people like me and MeetMindful and do the work to have your dream! Just SHOWING UP for love will let the Universe know you’re serious, and I bet you’ll receive ALL KINDS of loving magic in your world.

Contact my and tell them MeetMindful sent you. Let my manager know who you are and that I specially said YES to a complementary strategy session with you. I want to reward you for the courage of reaching out, and give you the sunshine, water, and sexy fertilizer to have your dreams.

Let’s see if you’re a fit to coach with me, beautiful, and go through the finish line together. Let’s do this. MASSIVE love to you, ain’t no stoppin’ us now!

Love, A xoxoxo

About the Author:

Allana Pratt

Featured on CBS, TLC, FOX, coach to celebrities, a cum laude graduate of Columbia, Allana’s a single mom who battled an internal war of body shame and sexual guilt that destroyed her confidence, joy and softness. Now, author of three books, she pole dances for pleasure, and knows ‘When mama’s happy, everybody’s happy!’ She inspires women to embrace their sacred erotic nature to attract all the love and attention they choose and heals men’s emasculated hearts, cures their ‘nice guy’ and awakens their noble badass honoring of women.Thousands flock to her sexy empowering show Intimate Conversations LIVE. She’s here to end sexual violence on the planet, have stupid amounts of joy as a mother, ooze sensuality and inspire reverence for our exquisite sexual nature.


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