Raising a child is a challenge, but raising a mindful child can take more effort in this crazy world. Check out this infographic for a little extra help.
Our children are the most important people in our lives, and they are the future of a human race that mindful people everywhere have hope for.
Raising kids who are conscious little beings does not just happen. Mindful parents want to cultivate compassion and empathy within their children. They want to instill reverence for the planet that we live on and the people who call that planet home, but sometimes finding ways to teach these philosophies can be a challenge.
Making sure our children are happy and healthy is difficult enough without adding “mindful” to the list, so here are some activities that can help us raise a mindful child.
[infographic: via Yvonne Woloszansky on eco-mothering]
[image: via Intel Free Press on flickr]