What I Did With My Ex’s Cartier Promise Ring

When Amy Baglan’s beau presented her with a Cartier promise ring she knew just what to do: put that sucker on. Post-split, it wasn’t so clear. Or was it?
When Amy Baglan’s beau presented her with a Cartier promise ring she knew just what to do: put that sucker on. Post-split, it wasn’t so clear. Or was it?
Awesomeness is totally attainable through these actionable steps ~ from the Founder of MindValley. From being broke and jobless to becoming a personal development and entrepreneurial figure, founder and CEO of Mindvalley Vishen Lakhiani shares his story of how Mindvalley became what it is today and how you too can live a successful, rewarding and […]
Setting the mood for a romantic evening at home? Press play on this sexy, sultry music for a date night and let the romance unfold.
www.meetmindful’s Founder explores how dating and relationships goes beyond finding our “match” and instead becomes a tool to find ourselves.
An intuitive recently called me a “magical manifestor.” It’s true: I regularly envision what I want and set things into motion with a special blend of make-it-happen fairy dust. I manifest magic in my career on a daily basis. I do this in my yoga practice. I even do this in my relationships. I paint a […]
Recently, I watched 6 Month Rule, a lesser-known film that goes against the typical rom-com in a big way. For starters, the main character, Tyler, is not even likable. I don’t know how else to say it except this: he is the perfect mix of player and douche-bag. When Tyler falls for the artsy, self-expressed […]
A while back I experienced the best breakup ever. Nixon and I had been dating for over a month and I could feel a few things happening. We’d jumped into things pretty quickly. While we started off wanting to just have fun and not get too serious, I could feel my “Venusian” tendencies starting to […]
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