7 Ridiculously Easy Ways to Do Good Today

At some point, we’ve all experienced how lovely it can be when we receive an unexpected gesture of kindness. Here are some wonderful ways to do good today.
At some point, we’ve all experienced how lovely it can be when we receive an unexpected gesture of kindness. Here are some wonderful ways to do good today.
Yoga is one of those magical practices that you can do anywhere, anytime. Don’t believe us? Read on!
Need a trick to help tame a busy life? Mindfulness meditation is much like a valuable superpower you can grow over time … curious? Read on!
We all have it, don’t we? Hidden in our innermost parts, a secret bullying Mean Girl, showing up in all shapes & sizes—here are a few you might recognize.
Middle aged is not synonymous with sad and dull. There’s no age limit on loving yourself and feeling fabulous.
Why are we so uncomfortable being by ourselves? Our friends are Care2 show us how to fully embrace (and appreciate) alone time.
A sex life is a delicate thing. It needs care and nurturing, some exploration and a healthy dose of humor. Don’t let environmental factors ruin your mojo.
We could all afford to be more in tune with our living spaces, especially with the changing season. Check out these feng shui fixes for a healthy home flow.
From sex toys to condoms, lubricants to even partners… this is the one-stop shop for your next vegan sex sesh.
Hold off on that monkey face, Singles. You might be surprised to learn what your favored emojis and texting habits reveal about your sex life.
The differences between being assertive & being aggressive can be subtle. Our friends at Care2 help illuminate the nuances of being direct.
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