Why You Should Never Underestimate the Value of a Hug

What value would you place on a hug? According to science (and to instinct), it’s much more than we may have once imagined.
What value would you place on a hug? According to science (and to instinct), it’s much more than we may have once imagined.
As if the euphoric high we get after a gut-busting laugh session wasn’t enough, science gives us four additional reasons to laugh more.
In this digital age, a simple sit down has become nothing short of novelty. Let’s be real with each other. Let’s have a real conversation.
We tend to think of love as a mystical force–inexplicable, often wild. But our friends at Care2 say there’s scientific proof we can make anyone fall in love.
Half-full? Half-empty? The Care2 crew opens our eyes to some amazing benefits no matter which end of the optimist-pessimist spectrum you find yourself on.
When brainstorming ways to show your love affection this Valentine’s Day, think red and green. Our friends at Care2 share their favorite eco friendly gifts.
You read that title right. Just three measly hours separate you from sexy time. Fire up your libido with these easy steps courtesy of our friends at Care2.
Before you wish for the other side of the fence, admire the magic you’ve cultivated in your own backyard. Overcoming jealousy is all about perspective.
There are no perfect relationships, that much we can agree on. But with the right tools, almost any troubled pair can conduct their own relationship rehab.
There’s one thing separating you from the most bad ass year of your life: a willingness to slow down. Our friends at Care2 are here to spread the good word.
With the arrival of the New Year, most of us are looking ahead to personal goals. For those of you who crave the status of “confident,” this list’s a keeper.
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