6 Autumn Inspired Date Ideas

Changing seasons are a wonderful time to change the scenery and flavor of your dates. Gerry Ellen shares six date ideas for the cooling, autumn weather.
Changing seasons are a wonderful time to change the scenery and flavor of your dates. Gerry Ellen shares six date ideas for the cooling, autumn weather.
Do you face discord with aggression? Do you recoil from confrontation? Gerry Ellen discusses the nuances of disagreement and how to embrace conflict.
Difficult moments are to be expected and often times are all too abundant. Pema Chödrön challenges us to meet these with acceptance and heart-lifting grace.
Gerry Ellen brings us some of the most explosive love bombs, sure to remind you just how profoundly magical finding love, being love and accepting love is.
Long-term relationships can hold the non-judgmental space needed to deepen your partnership. Consider this introduction to tantric sex a new way to expand.
Are you ready to transition into the blissful carefree days of summer? Use these self-care rituals to help usher in you most loving summer solstice yet.
Sometimes “simple” can have the biggest impact, great dates don’t have to be out on the town. Gerry Ellen dishes out her ideas for a romantic night in.
Shake off the winter dust and emerge as a fresh, vibrant you. Gerry Ellen offers simple self-care tips to embrace the new season.
The hoopla surrounding weddings can often overshadow the reality of married life. Gerry Ellen offers some questions to prepare you for a lasting marriage.
If the image of veggies in capes and masks comes to mind when you hear “superfood” you’re not alone. Which of those heroes are foods to help boost immunity?
Contemporary and controversial, spiritual and educated, original hippie and modern guru: Gerry Ellen interprets 10 of the most inspiring quotes by Ram Dass.
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