Going Dutch: Romantic Gesture or Antiquated Rule?

The paying part of even the best dates can get awkward—should he pay? Should she? What about going dutch? Sarah Frost weighs in on the debate.
The paying part of even the best dates can get awkward—should he pay? Should she? What about going dutch? Sarah Frost weighs in on the debate.
Known for peaceful protests, Mahatma Gandhi left a mark on this world. Sarah Frost shares her favorite Gandhi quotes, some of the best bits of his legacy.
The days (nights) of staying up till wee hours are over and you’re looking for a more refined partner. Here are four solid date ideas for 30-somethings.
You might not be a seasoned pro, but you know how to play dress up. Dating as a 20-something can be low-key, wild, fast or fun. Here’s a little inspiration.
Social media is good. Sometimes a little too good. Let’s see what happens when the always-sweet Sarah Frost tries to curb her habit with an Instagram detox.
Maybe screaming at the TV doesn’t rank high on your list of Sunday fun; but a little football knowledge and an open mind might score you a beautiful hang.
Though winter seems like it’s around the corner, there’s still plenty of fall-goodness to enjoy. Check out these autumn date ideas, courtesy of Sarah Frost.
While we don’t condone the “kiss and tell” we do want you to be equipped for the best make out sessions of your life. Think about things (and then… don’t).
“It’s harmless,” you say, “just a little fun.” But where do we draw the line? When (if ever) is it OK to flirt while in a relationship?
Even if you’re made for each other, arguments are bound to happen. Take this advice on how to not lose your cool to breeze through the first fight.
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