3 Ways to Change Your Brain & Find Happiness Again

To banish that pesky “blah” feeling, you’ve got to start with your brain. Use these three simple (and straight-up fun) mind tricks to find happiness again.
To banish that pesky “blah” feeling, you’ve got to start with your brain. Use these three simple (and straight-up fun) mind tricks to find happiness again.
Some prescribe to the idea of dating “rules” but we don’t like to make it too complicated. Avoid these dating fails and you’ll be in pretty good standing.
Sometimes the best plan of attack is to clear out the junk and reboot. Tamara Star has some expert advice for a life detox in the name of love.
There’s something to be said for drawing in the positive, but what about purging the negative? Tamara Star gives tips on what to do before you find real love.
When we’re faced with tragedy, we’re called upon to dig deep in our reserves of strength. Tamara Star shares her story and guidance on how to bounce back.
Whether you’re in a well-established relationship or navigating the single life, it’s always a great time to turn a fresh eye to your bedroom’s Feng Shui.
Relationships almost always begin with wild, head-over-heels feelings of devotion. On its own, however, love is not enough. Tamara Star reveals eight common barriers between us and long-lasting passion.
New relationships mean new opportunities for love and happiness; they also mean new chances to miss the mark. Keep yourself savvy by avoiding these five common dating mistakes.
There comes a day when you’ve got to take action and take back your power. Here’s 4 steps to healing your heart after a break-up from Tamara Star.
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