7 Red Flags You’ve Given Your Heart to the Wrong Person

When are you giving too much? When is enough, enough? We may not have ALL the answers, but we’ve got seven red flags you should definitely acknowledge.
When are you giving too much? When is enough, enough? We may not have ALL the answers, but we’ve got seven red flags you should definitely acknowledge.
Yes, we’re singling out the “attractive” people, but hear us out! There are awesome things attractive people do (that the rest of us love) and you can too!
Healthy couples stop problems before they start… and have the courage to acknowledge when there’s a real issue. Here are six common relationship traps.
So you know what the real deal looks like… what about the other side of the coin? If you’re doing these 10 things, you can be sure it’s not real love.
The literature on what to do (or what NOT to do) can feel a little cloudy. Here’s how to be supportive AND be supported if your partner has depression.
“Pretty,” “smart,” and “funny” are well and good, but what’s the most meaning compliment you can give? One man reflects on what his partner means to him.
It’s easy to fall for a smile, but sometimes it’s the darkest pieces that help love withstand the test of time. Wait for the one who falls for your scars.
There’s one surprising element missing from too-many relationships. This is the same element that has the ability to transform your sex life. Curious?
When your heart hopes a romance will work, we can deceive ourselves into ignoring warning signs. These seven red flags mean it’s probably best to walk away.
Relationship wisdom comes in all shapes and sizes, but we’re putting our money on this couple. Check out this romantic advice from a pair of old lovebirds.
When we envision a perfect-man-to-be, “narcissistic man” rarely makes the must-have list. Get aquatinted with the warning signs before you’re in too deep.
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