in: Dating & Relationships

You Smell Fantastic: A Guide to Brighten Someone’s Day

Let’s step outside the tried and true “you’re so beautiful” compliment box, shall we? There are more clever (and authentic) ways to brighten someone’s day.

—This article was originally published by our friends at elephant journal; we’re republishing (with permission!) because we love it… and them. Enjoy.— 

Has anyone ever told you that “you are beautiful?”

I personally, have always had an aversion to the compliment.

Undoubtedly, it’s flattering—one likes to hear their natural features are pleasant to look at, but that’s all the compliment is: nature has influenced the way a person appears.

Saying someone is beautiful doesn’t tell us anything particularly special about a person or something particularly special about what they’ve done. It’s only a recognition of someone’s exterior, an uncontrollable phenomenon, which says nothing of the person within.

We can’t change the way we look, and so we shouldn’t be praising something that has no merit to the actual personality inside the body.

Granted, we can hardly expect everyone to go around each day saying an individual is generous, possessing wit, or being overtly positive. Some rare gems of spirits do make the effort to give such compliments, but these people don’t come around so often in the every day.

Instead, many people revert to run-of-the-mill compliments pertaining to beauty. The intention behind these words may be good, but the phrase falls a little flat.

There’s nothing a person can do about being beautiful—or not.

Recently however, I realized a compliment that could take the place of one’s beauty. A stranger gave me a compliment that turned my day right around. Instead of commenting on my physical features, the person gave me a compliment which actually complimented my personality.


Follow us to elephant journal to continue reading “You Smell Fantastic. A Unique Guide to Brighten Someone’s Day” and have a happy day.

About the Author

Brittany Ann Bandemer is a contributor to elephant journal and a recent university graduate turned gypsy. Spontaneous and fun, she probably drinks too many margaritas. She falls in love easily and often and will most likely do so again tomorrow. The world has a lot yet to see from her.

About the Author:

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