Are you seeking fulfillment inside? or out? Our beloved intimacy expert, Allana Pratt, returns to address what it means to be fulfilled.
Question: Could I ever really live a fulfilling, happy life without having a significant other to share it with?
SUCH a great question. I go into detail about how I see the world as infinitely inward and infinitely outward… thus, YES, you can have an amazing relationship with yourself and Source and ALSO with a significant other… not either/or.
Fulfillment is tricky… are we looking from society’s point of view, or the truth of your heart? Are you in communion with the sunset, your friends, your soul 24/7 already… or are you waiting for your partner to fill the void in your heart?
With my clients and with my self, when I am calm, at peace, feeling full, in communion with the ALL… all is well. Then I check in with what I choose to create. If it’s a relationship… then let’s have that!
I recommend you check in with the state of your yearning… fullness or emptiness? This will greatly shift what occurs next… so yes, be fulfilled single and yes, be fulfilled in partnership… have it all gorgeous.
xoxo, Allana
p.s. If/when you really tell the truth, you’re waiting for a significant other to finally be fulfilled, then this wanting is actually pushing them away, and I’d be privileged to walk you home to fullness inside—for your own peace and freedom and because it’s the most irresistible, sexy state you can be in to attract a quality partner.
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Anything is possible. HUGE love, Allana oxox