It is no question that social media brings us together—but does this count for friends and couples alike?
Simple mindfulness can be a driving force in helping couples navigate challenges in their lives, but what about social media platforms? Can these outlets help, or even predict, a couples longevity? If true mindfulness means being present in each and every moment, perhaps social media platforms like Facebook have an advantage after all.
Who better than the Facebook—the ultimate, objective, mindful third-party, who tracks our moment by moment activity—to predict a couple’s potential?
According to published research, Facebook can not only predict which couples are more likely to break up, but can also determine factors that will ultimately hurt a couple’s chances at making it.
Researchers behind the paper, Jon Kleinberg or Cornell University and Facebook senior engineer Lars Backstom, have determined that a couples with a high percentage of mutual friends who are well connected have a greater probability of breaking up.
Seem strange? We thought so too.
But the theory goes like this: the higher the concentration of mutual friends who are well connected between a couple—as in, a strong, core group of friends—the less likely each individual has their own life (social, professional, personal). The theory refers to a concept known as dispersion, and to survive as a couple, you better have it.
Ideally, couples want high dispersion, which means they share mutual friends who are not well connected. The couples with low dispersion also share mutual friends, but they are well connected, which is bad. According to Facebook, very bad.
With high dispersion, couples’ lives are irrevocably entwined, which can cause bitterness, resentment, impending mayhem and doom.
So what does this mean? Should you ditch all of your Facebook buddies if you and your partner happen to have high dispersion? Well no, but it might be wise to start branching out building some contacts and connections that you can call your own.