in: Wellness

How to Simplify Your Life [Infographic]

In these busy, digital times, we often glorify the concept of “busy.” To live a full, happy existence, though, you need to find ways to simplify your life.

When you have too much on your plate—family, work, college, health, socializing, spending time with your partner—it’s hard not to lose your nerve. You start rushing around from one thing to another and soon you feel like you’ve had enough!

That’s right—it’s time to set your priorities straight, choose 2-3 main goals and set aside everything else. In other words, it’s time to simplify your life.

Here’s how to do it: get rid of the clutter in every sphere of your life.

End every relationship that is dragging you down. Stop talking to people who claim to be your friends, but instead of supporting, make you miserable. Maintain relationships with those that have belief in you and your aspirations.

Make it easier for yourself at home: get rid of all the stuff you haven’t been using at least for a year. Build a habit of preparing all the things you need for tomorrow beforehand. If you often have to take a trip on a short notice, make sure you have an on-the-go pack with all the personal hygiene necessities ready.

Try learning to keep it together and to stay mindful: practice daily meditation for at least 5-10 minutes, so that you become a calmer and more focused person, and try to turn all your negative thoughts into positive ones.

Read the rest of the advice in the infographic below by Essay Tigers to learn how you can start simplifying your life today.



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