Ah, red flags. How conveniently (and naively) we fail to notice them. Allana Pratt is back to put her foot down on three particular signs of a bad match.
Question: How do I spot RED FLAGS? How can I know someone’s bad news right away?
Oh, how I wish there was some technology that would measure their voice waves and get a precise read out: MAYDAY MAYDAY… exit date immediately!
In fact I have heard of a technology that defines personalities, yet in terms of Red Flags, here’s what I know. I recommend steering clear of people who on the 1st/2nd date do the following things…
1. Fall Madly in Love INSTANTLY
When someone’s overly insanely quickly in love with you, saying you’re perfect for them, “where have you been all my life?”, very over the top dramatic… red flag.
I’m not saying you’re not fabulous, yet wounded hearts who are sucking energy to live through the day behave this way. Attraction is great, and so is patience, balance and letting actions speak louder than words.
2. Try to Change You
I’ve literally heard of people say that on a date, they’d order the meatloaf and the other person would say, “No, you don’t want that, they’ll have the salad.” OMG! And I’ve heard that even months into dating when it’s time to meet the friends or family that the person will say, “Are you going to wear that? say that? do that?” Bottom line is it’s a red flag when someone needs to change the fabric of your being.
3. Treat Others Like Crap
Watch out when people are super nice to you, but have instant road rage, they’re degrading to waiters or waitresses, yell at their parents or colleagues… eventually they’re going to yell at YOU!
For more support on how to spot red flags, how to be your most confident delicious radiant self, visit AllanaPratt.com and sign up for my free weekly radio show, Intimate Conversations LIVE.
And guys, I have a fabulous report on how to be a noble badass found at GetHerToSayYes.com. Women want a man who can claim them with Heart.
Lusciously, Allana xoxo
[image: via shutterstock]