On this Father’s Day, we’d like to reflect on some relationship advice provided by the proverbial “man of the house.”
Most men reach a point of reckoning in life, a point where they think “if I knew then what I know now, things would have been so much different.”
Wisdom is priceless, especially in the realm of relationships, and a man who is fortunate enough to obtain it will want to impart some of it on the next generation of good men.
Here are a few tips that a father might give to his son to help him build a strong relationship with the right lady.
She Will React to Your Energy
Female intuition is a very real thing. Your lady has the ability to feel your intentions. She cannot tell what you’re thinking, but she can sense any negativity or tension that you’re harboring without you ever saying a word.
Even if you carefully select what you say, she will be able to detect when you’re judging her or condescending her, so don’t let your intentions come from a mindset of resentment.
Control you energy. If you let your intentions flow from a place of love, she will feel accepted and respected.
Do Your Part…or She Will
Own your end of the bargain. Do not assume that certain parts of your relationship should be her responsibility. Too many men let the obligation toward their children, their household and their sex life fall on their lady.
Claim responsibilities and follow up by fulfilling them. Do your part to be the best partner you can be. Go out of your way to maintain healthy levels of respect and excitement in your life together.
By leading when she expects you to, you will have her appreciation and admiration. She will also be proud of you and attracted to you for your efforts. After all, in her eyes, being a good man is the sexiest thing you can be.
For more fatherly relationship advice, click here.
[image: via Daria on flickr]