in: Dating & Relationships

Spring Fling: the Psychology Behind the Allure

After braving our way through bleak winter months, the arrival of spring feels kind of miraculous. The allure of a spring fling is similar, don’t you think?

Well, far be it for me to argue with the psychological benefits of cozying up to the season of spring and how much our blossoming can translate into more than simply the flora opening up; into, perhaps, the new beginnings of life and love.

A “spring fling” can be a dance between two souls, puppy love that warms the youngest of hearts, a true-blue sexual romp of fun and excitement, or even an illicit affair. The meaning of “spring” in this context is about rising up and showing the new what has been dormant.

So let’s take a peek into why our personas feel compelled to take off into unchartered territory that could either be a wonderful rejuvenation, or a completely disastrous trip into the abyss. The psychology behind the attraction to take action, the meat and potatoes of why we collaborate with another in an alluring way, and what the ultimate outcome could be in this type of union.

One idea: pheromones.

These are the natural chemical substances emitted by our bodies to attract (or repel) another. They are typically studied in animal behavior; however, human physiology is said to have a concentrated amount that escalates in emission when surrounded by members of either the opposite sex, or other humans who are in their own law of attraction mode.

We all carry them. We all have instances where our scent is greater than at other times. The pheromones rise and fall just like the tides, which also aids in the alluring qualities of getting aroused and whether to act on it. A fling, if you will. Once the pheromones are in high gear there could be no turning back from taking the leap into something, or someone, who suits your fancy for a romp like no other.

Spring is like that. The very notion of the fresh cycle of the season sparks our attention and desire. It is a shedding-of-the-skin time of year where we clean the slate of old relationship business and add a touch of something new to our well being—whether that be getting a haircut, starting a creative project, going in for a massage and cleanse, or anything that stirs up emotions in our bodies like never before.

If it is a fling you are after, versus steady relationship prowess, the stakes might even be higher. Since the feeling of flirtatiousness and allure are on the front burner, gussying up takes on a different tone.

The pheromones continue to elevate, yet the forward-motion step has an element of risk to it. The brain signals the heart, the heart signals the other internal organs, and the remainder of the body follows. A toss of the hair to one side, lips pursed in a unique “come hither” manner, clothes worn with more thought and reckless abandon, visited places of gatherings have a purpose instead of spontaneity, and everything about the adventure is with a drive to meet that one person who will satisfy our every desire.

This is spring flinging in action and reaction.

The reasons behind it are sexual appetite and how we arrive at our own distinct possibilities of who, where, what, how. It’s magnetic and lusty. It could be a one-night stand or something that carries more weight with the soul and love. Either way, the subtle demands on the body are asking us to pay attention and go with the flow. It truly is a thing to behold when our entire personas emanate warmth, kindness, empathy, love, lust, positivity, and every other feeling and emotion worth the work it might take to attract someone into our lives.

The psychological aspect of all this newness is what perpetuates us to move forward with all our might and heart. Oftentimes the outcome will be positive; in other instances, the result could be just a passing fling. Whatever motivates us to maintain the enthusiasm and ecstasy and joy, that’s precisely why we need it and why it matters.

About the Author:

Gerry Ellen

Gerry Ellen is an author, creative storyteller, and wellness advocate. She enjoys sharing her experiences of life, love, and all things meaningful and healthy through words and images. She is a regular contributor to MeetMindful, Be You Media Group, Tattooed Buddha, and Rebelle Society. As a former featured columnist on elephant journal and Light Workers World, she considers her love of nature and the outdoors, heart-centered connections, friends and family, and traveling to explore and expand as the epicenter of her world. She is extremely driven with her service work through 8 Paws Wellness with her dog, Scout. Gerry Ellen has authored and published two books, Ripple Effects (March 2012) and A Big Piece of Driftwood (April 2014), which are both available on


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