Why Finding Love Online Is Better Than Finding It in Real Life
We embrace any and all ways people manage to connect—that includes finding love online. Some might even argue it’s better than the “real” alternative.
We embrace any and all ways people manage to connect—that includes finding love online. Some might even argue it’s better than the “real” alternative.
While we all create filters to rule out the not-for-us partners, there’s something to be said for loving without judgement. It’s time to release the labels.
When you imagine your dream partner, someone who is negative probably doesn’t come to mind. So how do you handle this situation? Allana’s back to dish.
“Mindful” has become a bit of a buzz word these days, so let’s revisit its core meaning. Only then can we apply its magic to engage in mindful dating.
So they lied on their profile and now you’re sitting with an unexpected version of Mr. or Ms. Thought-it-Could-Be-Fun. What’s the right way to play it?
Does a beard make you positively cringe? Does height eliminate someone as a potential date? Time to investigate why-oh-why you’re turned off, Darling.
While we’d positively hate to admit it, we’ve all been too judgmental at some point. Ditch the habit, Kids, and see what online dating is really all about.
Meeting the parents can be a nerve-wracking ordeal; but for lovebirds in an interracial relationship, the worry game can spin even farther out of control.
Kahshanna Evans shares a little Pre-Valentine’s Day alchemy for singles wishing for closure. You’ll need a candle, pen and paper, and an open heart.
In order to create new, positive habits on our lives, we must take ownership over the not-so-positive reality first. It’s time to kick that judgement habit.
Even the smallest gesture can make the biggest impact. We must not diminish the power we each hold to be a safe space for someone who needs it most.
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