5 First Date Hints You Should Go on Date #2

Is it a thumbs up or thumbs down for date number two? If you’d like a little help fine-tuning your intuition, here are five first date hints it’s a go.
Is it a thumbs up or thumbs down for date number two? If you’d like a little help fine-tuning your intuition, here are five first date hints it’s a go.
Sometimes first and second dates need a gentle push in the right direction. What better way to get there than a relating game? Fire away (and have fun)!
If your first dates outnumber your second dates, there’s a reason. Let’s explore why they didn’t call… unless you’re the one not picking up the phone?
Avoid the awkward, will-she-call-or-won’t-she silence between dates one and two by using your words and a little bit of courage. The second date is yours.
When is it time to have sex? Exactly when you feel comfortable and not a second sooner. Don’t let the fear of not getting a second date change that.
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