5 Text Messages You’ll Regret Sending
If you’re considering a sweet, innocent “I miss you” text to an undeserving ex… don’t. Just. Dont. Sarah Frost shares the text messages you’ll regret.
Social media is good. Sometimes a little too good. Let’s see what happens when the always-sweet Sarah Frost tries to curb her habit with an Instagram detox.
There’s one thing separating you from the most bad ass year of your life: a willingness to slow down. Our friends at Care2 are here to spread the good word.
When used in excess, smartphones tend to disconnect us from eachother. Jordan Grey gives us six ways to flip this and actually strengthen your relationship.
Are you into her, but just not getting the feedback you’d expect? Dating Expert Brooke Lewis schools us on how to handle “hard to get.”
Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/email encourage an unhealthy relationship with technology. Amy Angelilli diagnoses her dependency and shows us how to disconnect.
There is an inherent drive to want acceptance and validation—in what we do and in who we are; but this inner-drive, when combined with the lure of technology, can be the root of an unhealthy fixation.
While it is no secret that a happy, long-lasting marriage takes work, many couples are surprised at how much work. Expert Rachel Weinstein offers us some invaluable advice on keeping love alive through fidelity.
Settle in for a wife’s hilarious account of how Tinder’s online dating app has satisfied some deeply silly, blissfully instant, secret urges.
How we communicate has been radically transformed by the availability of social media sites and apps; of all latest trends, the LuLu app has impacted how we date in a big way. Can we find a mindful balance with this dating technology?
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