MeetMindful | A Fuller Life Together

Why a Regular Yoga Practice is Good for Your Relationship

When it comes to self care, we think any yoga practice is a good yoga practice. As it turns out, it’s not just good for you, it’s good for your romance too.

“I’d love to get in more yoga, but I just don’t have time now that I’m in a relationship.”

“I feel guilty taking time away from my partner to do things for myself.”

I often hear comments like these from my coaching clients. On the surface, they sound pretty convincing, don’t they?

But forging authentic intimacy with another human being can be a wild ride, and if we go about it mindlessly, it can be very un-grounding.

So the less time you feel like you have for grounding practices like yoga and meditation, the more you and your relationship likely need their support.

Self-care isn’t a luxury or something to feel guilty about—especially if you want a healthy relationship.

 In fact, healthy self-care is an imperative foundation of healthy relationships.

Yes, of course it’s important to make sure you set aside quality time to spend with your partner.

But if you’re feeling drained and disconnected from yourself, you’re much more likely to get triggered by your partner and lash out or project in unhelpful ways.

If your reserves are depleted, you have so much less to give to your relationship. And when we come from a place of lack rather than abundance, the wheels of kindness and generosity (cornerstones of healthy intimacy) can really come off.

So any regular self-care practices you commit to toward dialing back your own reactivity is profound for a healthy relationship.

But yoga is a one-stop shop for so many relationship-supportive qualities. 

A regular yoga practice:

Our yoga mats are training grounds for staying centered out in the “real world,” and life doesn’t get any more real than in the boat-rocking, edge-nudging realm of intimate relationships.

So get clear on the style and frequency of yoga that makes realistic sense for you and show up on your mat. You and your partner will thank you for it.

Cheers to love overflowing from your filled-up well. Namaste.


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